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Proposal submission

The deadline for proposal submissions to the 2023 IOMW Conference in Chicago has been extended to
Monday, January 30, 2023.

Please make sure that your paper has been prepared in standard PDF format.


To ensure that peer reviewers do not know the author’s identity, please remove any identifying information in your manuscript (including identifying footnotes and acknowledgments).

​Select the submission type (required):

Author(s) (required) (Last Name, First Name):

Presenting author (required):

Corresponding author (required):

Title of the paper/submission (required):

Abstract of the paper/submission (required):

Please do not exceed 1200 words for symposium/coordinated papers and 400 words for all other session types.

In your proposal, please make an attempt to address the points below:


1. Introduction: description of how this work fits into the existing literature and what will be the new addition.

2. Aims and objectives: what are the research questions?

3. Research design and methods that address the research problem, including data analysis and modeling framework.

4. References (preferably in APA style).


And consider the following:


Perspective. What is your theoretical framework?  Is it likely to be interesting and relevant to IOMW attendees?

Clarity. Can we figure out what you're talking about?

Support. How strong is the evidence for your claims?

Importance. Are you saying something significant to the theory and practice of measurement?

Upload the proposal:


Upload File
Keywords (required) - Please select 3:

Please check all that apply:

If you are a graduate student and want your completed paper considered for the Best Graduate Student Award, please check the box below.

If you are an early-career professional or graduate student and would like to be paired with a seasoned scholar from your field, please check the box below.

Would you like to be a mentor for graduate students and early-career attendees?

Your form has been submitted. You will hear form us by early February.


Thank you for submitting your work to the IOMW 2023 Conference.

You can register for the conference at

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